Foreign Rights
… are available for:
- Kabbalah as a female Path of Initiation (by Christina Gehse),
196 pages (59.000 words) - I am all right. The slightly different book for parents (by Sonja Hagen),
72 pages (7.400 words), illustrated by Ursula Draxler
Please get in touch, if you are interested.
»Kabbalah as a female path of initiation«
»Kabbalah as a female path of initiation« is the first book about Kabbalah which offers guided meditations and exercises to all the spheres and pathes of the Tree of Life, the main kabbalistic symbol. Based on Christina Gehse`s own personal experiences it describes the path of initiation she evolved to strengthen the female spiritual power. Working with the symbols and images of these meditations will lead the reader to a deeper understanding of the wisdom of the kabbalistic system, which is rooted in the Ancient Cultures.
About the author
Christina Gehse grew up in Glücksburg (Germany) and is working as a psychotherapist and spiritual teacher for women in Hamburg. Since 25 years she has been teaching workshops for women on female spirituality, working with rituals, the power of the elements, the cycle of the seasons and sacred dance.
Together with Barbara Schumacher she guides journeys to the ancient sacred sites of Ireland and her native place Angeln.
Christina Gehse was initiated into the magical work with the »Path of the North« by Dr. Barbara Gissrau. Since more than 25 years she has been involved in Kabbalah.
For more information please visit:
»I am all right. The slightly different book for parents«
»I am all right. The slightly different book for parents« invites mothers, fathers, grandparents and everyone else to trust their intuition and to follow the voice of their hearts when dealing and interacting with children.
This book will help you to pause for a moment and focus on love, trust and joy so that you will be able to experience a new and playful lightness when you are with your child.
Ursula Draxler`s affectionate illustrations and comments round off this very special book for parents.
About the author
Sonja Hagen, M.A., a mother of two children, lives in Austria. She has a degree in psychology and has, among other subjects studied education, sports and religious studies.
Sonja Hagen is working as a free-lance coach and spiritual mediator and has been teaching children as well as adults for many years. S.H., as a psychologist and visionary, has been studying the relationship between humans and dolphins and the way they communicate and interact for more than 15 years and she has also worked on projects that support and help humans as much as dolphins. In 2009 Sonja Hagen founded »dolphin wings« and with »dolphin healing« she has established a new, simple and effective way of spiritual healing, transformation and awareness.
It is the author’s aim to make visible other dimensions of reality and to help people to listen, trust and follow the voice of their hearts. Sonja Hagen offers seminars and rituals and opened a new school for children and young persons as part of the »dolphin wings academy« in September 2011.
For more information please visit: